Follow our easy steps to make sure that you come prepared and enjoy your treatment:

  • 24 Hours prior to your appointment DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL or CAFFEINE
  • 72 Hours prior to your appointment DO NOT TAKE ADVIL or other blood thinners such as Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Niacin or Vitamin E unless medically necessary
  • Do not take fish omega 3 (fish oil) 1 week before treatment
  • Botox should be done 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the procedure
  • Avoid booking your treatment during your menstrual cycle as it can increase your pain
  • No waxing, tanning or tinting 3 days before
  • Arrive with no makeup on for your appointment – a lot of pigment wiping is involved in the procedure and makeup can get ruined, so save yourself the hassle!
  • Shower and fix your hair as you will need to take extra care not to get your brows wet for several days after the treatment
  • Be prepared for your brows to look a little red and really dark, but don’t worry – they will fade in colour 30-50%

  • Pregnant / Breastfeeding
  • Have a history of Keloids or Hypertrophic scarring
  • Diabetic (require doctor’s clearance)
  • Chemotherapy (consult your doctor)
  • Viral infections and/or diseases
  • Epilepsy
  • Pacemaker or major heart problems
  • Organ transplant
  • Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.)
  • Sick (cold, flu, etc.)
  • Accutane in the past year
  • Heart conditions, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure, Poor general health
  • Any treatment, medication, or illness that compromises the immune system as healing would make you NOT a good candidate for micropigmentation procedures.

Feather Touch Brows is an eyebrow styling method that blends, thickens and enhances your natural brow shape. Eyebrow feathering is a semi-permanent hair stroke tattooing technique that help you get fuller and more defined natural looking eyebrows.

This procedure is done using a hand tool called a micro blade, which allows the artist to create an illusion of delicate and fine hair-like strokes.

At Brow Boutique by Marina, we use PhiBrows pigmentation colours – the third generation of the world’s best microblading pigments, developed and produced by PhiAcademy

As everyone’s skin heals and responds to the pigment differently, eyebrow feathering results will generally last anywhere from 6 month (in very rare cases) up to 18 months. We do recommend a “brow refresh” treatment for all clients within 6-12 months of the initial procedure.

After the Feather Touch Tattooing treatment, it will take approximately 7-10 days for your brows to heal. During this period, you might experience slight swelling for the first 3-4 days and some flakiness. It is very important not to pick or scratch the area. You cannot get your eyebrows wet for 7 days and avoid sweating activities for a minimum of 5-7 days after the procedure. To avoid infection, it is crucial to keep the tattooed area completely clean throughout the healing process. This means that makeup products, cleansers and similar should be completely avoided.

After the initial treatment, Marina will provide you with the aftercare cream, which needs to be applied very sparingly 3-5 times a day, until the area has healed completely.

A topical anaesthetic is applied prior and during the treatment in order to decrease discomfort. However, it is important to remember that everyone’s pain threshold is different. Making sure that you are comfortable throughout the whole duration of the treatment is our main concern.

Once the initial treatment is done the colour will appear approximately 30-40% darker than the desired shade for the following 3-4 days.

Feather Touch Brows is a two-step procedure. It consist of the initial procedure and a touch-up treatment, usually done within 4-6 weeks. Although it is extremely rare (less than 2%) a client may require a third session – an additional touch up. This usually happens due to the client’s individual skin type, as some are more resistant to the implantation of the pigment than others. The cost of the additional touch up is listed in our “pricing” section.

Eyebrow feathering takes approximately 2.5 – 3 hours in total including a very thorough consultation and a 30-minute numbing session prior to your treatment.

We ask that you avoid makeup on the are being treated. However, if you are not able to remove your makeup – we can remove it for you.
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